This is a continuation of the previous post. In this post, we'll cover off the grand adventures had by JuicyFruitKisses, Funky Punky, and yours truly, CopySix.First things first, grab some popcorn and let's watch the vid . . .
It is not presently known the entire history of the site, but this is what we have so far . . . A greenhouse was established sometime here in the early 1980's which was eventually sold in the early 1990's. Concord Floral became the owners of the property in 1992 at which time there were significant expansions effected effectively enlarging the output capacity by at least 10 times.
A multitude of factors are thought to have caused the business operation to collapse and eventually close its doors around 2002. Chief amongst these are thought to have competition of less expensive imported flowers, and the rising cost of fuel for the boiler operation. The massive boilers were required to provided steam heat to the flower beds in order to extend and maximize the efficiency of the growing season.
All in all, a very fun time was had . . . Thanks Concord Floral !
sweet video
welcome back buddy!
Nice work C6! I saw your work and decided to drop by this location:
Great site!!!
I add you to my favourites!
Greetings for spain!
That looks worth a look at, I'll be in Ontario next week up to mischief no doubt :)
hey you wouldnt happen to have directions would you?
I went today look up 500px twotone the greenhouse is very surreal these days, the glass roof of the norther section has started to give way, BE VERY careful as the strong winds do cause glass to fall. I had a close call about 10ft from where i was standing, during the "A house divided" shot.
Best time to visit is always early in the AM while all the cars are busy trudging off to work. No fences to climb, no force required at all
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